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현진무역 대표 김 진입니다.

20년+ 수출입 경험을 바탕으로 국내 중소기업들의 세계화를 위한 수출입 업무대행 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.

수출입 업무를 위한 인적, 시간적 자원이 부족하고 수출입 시작에 대한 두려움도 있으나 수출입으로 사업성장의 기회를 잡고자 하신다면 현진무역과 함께 하시길 바랍니다.


Hyunjin Trading is a company that provides export and import-related task services. The company specializes in handling overseas operations for small and medium sized enterprises. Here are the key points about our services:


  1. Export and Import-related Task Services:

  • Hyunjin Trading offers comprehensive services related to international trade.

  • We assist businesses with overseas operations.

  • The company offers a range of services to small and medium-sized enterprises that want to upgrade their overseas operations.

  • Hyunjin Trading specializes in handling all export and import procedures. This includes communication with overseas buyers and sellers, preparation of export documents (excluding FTA origin certificates), coordination with freight forwarders for export goods, and customs clearance through a customs broker.

  2. Customized Solutions:

  • The company provides services tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

  • Whether you need assistance with export and import-related tasks partially or want to outsource the entire process, Hyunjin Trading can help.


  3. Benefits for Clients:

  • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from Hyunjin Trading’s expertise.

  • By outsourcing to Hyunjin Trading, SMEs can reduce the burden of direct employment and upgrade the level of their overseas operations. 

  • The company offers various services catering to the situation of the client.


  4. Fees: The basic fee for export task services starts from 700,000 KRW per month (excluding VAT). The same applies to import task services.


  5.Contact Information:

  • If you’re interested in our services, you can reach out to Hyunjin Trading through our website, and at or +82-10-2415-8110.

  • If you have received export or import-related inquiries and do not want to miss those business opportunities, then do not hesitate to consult with us.




​인천광역시 남동구 만수서로 55, 106동 604호


전화: 010-2415-8110

​팩스: 032-232-0397


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